ECM/DMS Sales Cycle

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  All Sales Staff, MDS
  45  minutes
Your Price: 0.00 €

Brief Description

  • This module will help you identify the sales cycle for ECM/DMS solutions. Recognize the steps from identifying the right customers to be approached via preparing a catching presentation to closing the deal by involving the right deciders on the customer’s side. Learn about traps to avoid in selling ECM/DMS solutions.

Target Group

  • Service Technician, Sales Representative

Theoretical and practical contents

  • Identifying the sales cycle for EMC/DMS solutions. Recognizing the path to close a deal.
  • Generating business opportunities
  • Client presentation and quotation
  • Round table and closing
  • Integrating professional services
  • What to avoid in a ECM/DMS project

After this training you will be able to…

  • recognize how to generate an opportunity and how to qualify it
  • prepare a catching client presentation and a proper quotation
  • define the relevant people for a round table and guide them towards closing the deal
  • maximize the revenue of the project by integrating professional services
  • avoid traps in the sales process for ECM/DMS solutions


This course module is a "package" containing other course modules.

Please note: These courses have a prescribed order. Therefore you have to start with the first learning module before you can start the second, ect. One you have completed or passed the according course module the next one will become accessible.

If a course module is optional, you will be able to directly access. Nevertheless we recommend to work through on the prescribed order.

ECM/DMS Sales Cycle - Knowledge Test
TST Test | 45 minutes | English
Details and Dates